Duck Feeders at the Duck Pond

In our continued efforts for wildlife conservation, Stanley Park will be installing duck feeders in the area around the Duck Ponds. Instead of feeding the ducks & geese bread, patrons will be able to feed the ducks a healthy diet of cracked corn and seeds. This will be beneficial not only to the ducks' health but to the overall pond health.
All proceeds from the feeders will be restricted to the purchase of duck feed.
You can also purchase feed for the ducks & geese at these local stores:
635 College Hwy, Southwick, MA 413-569-5525
81 Springfield Road, Westfield, MA 413-568-3388
673 College Hwy, Southwick, MA 413-569-0090
288 Union Street, Westfield, MA 413-562-3689
We appreciate your cooperation in this health initiative. Thank you!

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